Uninstall Insight Sensor
If you have Insight Sensor installed and no longer want to use it, perform the following steps to uninstall it.
To uninstall the Insight Sensor, you must first remove the Insight Sensor from the NetWitness Cloud Portal and then uninstall the Insight Sensor on the NetWitness Platform.
Step 1: Remove the Insight Sensor from the NetWitness Cloud Portal
Log in to the NetWitness Cloud Portal.
Go to
Admin > Sensors > Sensor List.
Select the Insight Sensor that you want to delete using the Host Name and click Remove Sensor.
A confirmation pop-up is displayed.
Click Remove Sensor.
Step 2: Uninstall the Insight Sensor on the NetWitness Platform
Log in to the NetWitness Platform.
Navigate to
Admin > Services.
In the Services list, select the NetWitness Insight service and click
> View > Explore.
The Explore view for the NetWitness Insight service is displayed.
On the Explore view, in the left panel, click cloud > right-click Properties, select stop from the drop-down, and click Send.
Navigate to the Services list view, select the NetWitness Insight service and click
> Delete.
A confirmation pop-up is displayed.
Click Yes.
SSH to the Packet Decoder host on which the NetWitness Insight service is installed.
Run the following command to stop the Insight service:
Run the following command to get the Insight RPM package name:
rpm -qa | grep rsa-nw-cloud
The rpm package name will be displayed. For example, rpm -e rsa-nw-cloud-
Run the following command to uninstall:
rpm -e <rpm package name>
Replace <rpm package name>
with the actual rpm package name.
For example, rpm -e rsa-nw-cloud-
Run the following command to remove the cloud config file:
rm -f /etc/netwitness/ng/cloud-aws.json
See also
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