Uninstall Cloud Connector Sensor
If you have a Cloud Connector Sensor installed and you no longer want to use it, perform the following steps to delete the Cloud Connector Sensor.
To delete the Cloud Connector Sensor, you must first remove the Cloud Connector Sensor from the NetWitness Cloud Portal and then uninstall the Cloud Connector Sensor on the NetWitness Platform.
Step 1: Remove the Cloud Connector Sensor from the NetWitness Cloud Portal
Log in to the NetWitness Cloud Portal.
Go to
Admin > Sensors > Sensor List.
Select the Cloud Connector Sensor you want to delete and click Remove Sensor.
Step 2: Uninstall the Cloud Connector Sensor on the NetWitness Platform
SSH to the Admin Server.
Execute the following command:
Log in to the NetWitness Platform and go to
Admin > Services to verify if the Cloud Connector Sensor is removed.
See also
Install the Cloud Connector Sensor
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